Sunday, August 8, 2010

Children are Priceless

Even though we are not parents yet, we understand that children are priceless. The truth is that children are expensive whether through adoption or by the old fashioned way. No parent would ever put a price on their child. There will be people that ask the question, “How much did you pay for your child?” After learning about adoption our answer will forever be, “He/she is priceless.” As many of you already know, it requires a significant amount of funds to finalize an adoption process. No one actually pays for a child (it is illegal!). Of course we will pay an agency, lawyers and travel costs…just like many other parents would pay doctors and hospital bills to have a child. We already know that the cost will be nothing compared to the joy gained from growing our family.

In the process of seeking ways to raise funds for our adoption, Megan came across Just Love Coffee Roasters. You can read more about the company on their website: The owners have a heart for the people of Ethiopia (sparked by their own adoption journey) and a knowledge of coffee. They combined those two passions and started a business. By setting up an online store we can support the hard working people in Ethiopia and also provide a simple way to raise funds for our adoption. Just Love Coffee makes a small donation to our adoption with each purchase from our online store. Click the image on the right side of the blog to get to our coffee site. We are so thankful for your generous love and support! Please continue to pray that God will prepare our hearts as we take each step closer to our child.