Saturday, June 23, 2012

A Father's Perspective

Well let's be completely honest...we all know Megan has been writing the blog entries. That is because she is amazing at putting together words in the English language to express the way she is feeling. So since it is around Father's Day, I thought it was about time I spend a few minutes (okay weeks) to put down some of my thoughts about the process. The best time to stop reading would be won't miss much.

If I was to list a few of my feelings (no specific order):

Let me take a minute to explain each of these a little for you. Any expecting parent is scared. What if you're not the parent you want to be? What if you mess something up? This is natural feeling...I hope. Frustrated!! Many would assume because of the process or wait time. That is not the case. I'm frustrated because there is nothing I can do as dad to get my child home any sooner. The process and wait time is all part of God's plan and I just need to be looking to Him for strength. How can I not be amazed? God is creating a child that we will love for and care for thousands of miles away and He has already placed love in our hearts for him/her. You might ask, how can you feel unworthy and truly blessed at the same time. I guess I would explain it this way, I'm blessed with life, a beautiful wife, a loving family, a great church and most of all being adopted by my loving, heavenly Father. But I feel so unworthy of all thee things and most of all being responsible of one of God's precious children.

In the end, God is amazing and for some reason continues to bless us even when we fail in so many ways. Oh, I forgot one. EXCITED!!!