Sunday, January 29, 2012

A hairy situation

About the time we started our plan for adoption I also coincidentally started growing out my hair. At first it was for practical reasons…I wanted to be able to pull it back into a pony tail for our overseas trip to Tanzania. Now the increasing length seems almost symbolic of our waiting time. I decided to embrace the symbolism rather than becoming embittered by it.

These growing pains are a necessary part of the journey and quite evident to those who know me well. This process of waiting has changed me. So it seems fitting that I look different on the outside because the inside is slowly being transformed day by day. The growth is hard, but so good. I trust this time will allow Jeremy and me to be stretched and molded into the kind of parents our kids will need. Because of this I have decided that from now until the time we bring home our firstborn I will continue to let it grow. Hoping it will happen before I start looking like Rapunzel!