Sunday, January 20, 2013

One month home: amoxicillin, avocados and attachment

Sorry for the lack of updates since we arrived home on Christmas Eve. We have been in survival mode. Soon after getting home we all got sick. Really sick. Poor Allia ended up with an ear infection on top of it all. The three of us all ended up needing antibiotics. Megan sadly even had to miss Allia’s first doctor visit. One positive result of the bug was that it gave our little girl and her daddy some forced bonding opportunities. They love to spend time together!

Meal time has been challenging! Allia would prefer to only eat cereal and formula. Slowly we have been finding other foods she enjoys. Avocados are always a hit! We give them to her often so that we can provide healthy fats to our petite princess :)

We so appreciate your outpouring of love and respect as we have taken a month to stay home and focus on attachment. Meals have been provided. Friends and family have encouraged us through phone calls and emails. We think Allia is doing very well for the huge transition she has endured. Slowly we are figuring out what life looks like as a family of three. We are excited to start bringing our daughter out and about. Look out – here we come!