Thursday, February 21, 2013

Settling in: two months home

Wow! What a difference a month can make. Allia is eating better (she has gained over three pounds since arriving home). Sleeping better. And continuing to amaze us everyday with the ways she is growing, changing and learning. We are in LOVE. Life will never be the same.

This month was full of family fun. We were able to have Jeremy’s parents come stay with us for a week. Of course they are smitten with Allia:) After that Aunt Bethany and cousin Adelaide came for a visit. It was so neat to have the girls together. Our family gatherings will never be boring with those two around! Then this last weekend Shelby and Brayden came over for a sleepover. They adore our daughter and are so good at playing with her. We are fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family. Enjoy some of our most recent pics! 

 Its official! We got Allia's citizenship documents in the mail:)
 All smiles with her daddy!
 Snuggles with Grandmom.
 You guessed it. Allia is home and the hair is cut!
 Mama's helper.
 Fun times with Grammie.